A Class of OFT Controllers for Torque-Saturated Robot Manipulators: Lyapunov Stability and Experimental Evaluation

  • Authors:
  • Javier Moreno-Valenzuela;Víctor Santibáñez;Ricardo Campa

  • Affiliations:
  • Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnología Digital del IPN, CITEDI-IPN, Tijuana, Mexico 22510;Instituto Tecnológico de La Laguna, Torreón, Mexico 27001;Instituto Tecnológico de La Laguna, Torreón, Mexico 27001

  • Venue:
  • Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
  • Year:
  • 2008

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



The trajectory tracking of robot manipulators is addressed in this paper. Two important practical situations are considered: the fact that robot actuators have limited power, and that only position measurements are carried out. Let us notice that a few solutions for the torque-bounded OFT (output feedback tracking) control has been proposed. In this paper we contribute to this subject by presenting a class of OFT controllers for torque-constrained robots. The theory of singularly perturbed systems is crucial in the analysis of the closed-loop system trajectories. As a second contribution of this paper, we present a detailed experimental study of six control schemes, which were tested in a two degrees-of-freedom direct-drive robot, confirming the advantages of the proposed methodology.