An Analysis of RFID Tag Authentication Protocols Using Secret Value

  • Authors:
  • Jung-Sik Cho;Sang-Soo Yeo;Sung Kwon Kim

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-;-

  • Venue:
  • FGCN '07 Proceedings of the Future Generation Communication and Networking - Volume 01
  • Year:
  • 2007

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RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) system is contactless automatic identification system used by small and low-cost RFID tag. An RFID tag can be stuck on or incorporated into a product, animal, or person and identify tag information by using radio frequency. RFID system will be able to replace bar- code system for many merits. But the most important problem of RFID system is that unauthorized readers can access to tag information, which should be possible to produce privacy problem. Presently many researches about RFID tag authentication for solving privacy problem are going on, but these researches have many difficulties for limited hardware resource. In this paper, we analyzed RFID tag authentication protocols using secret value of many proposed. And we also dealt with many problems in the protocols and propose the future research for problem solving.