A posteriori estimators for obstacle problems by the hypercircle method

  • Authors:
  • Dietrich Braess;Ronald H. W. Hoppe;Joachim Schöberl

  • Affiliations:
  • Ruhr-University of Bochum, Institute of Mathematics, 44801, Bochum, Germany;University of Houston, Department of Mathematics, 77204-3008, Houston, TX, USA and University of Augsburg, Institute of Mathematics, 86159, Augsburg, Germany;RWTH Aachen, Department of Mathematics and Center for Computational Engineering Science, 52074, Aachen, TX, Germany

  • Venue:
  • Computing and Visualization in Science
  • Year:
  • 2008

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A posteriori error estimates for the obstacle problem are established in the framework of the hypercircle method. To this end, we provide a general theorem of Prager–Synge type. There is now no generic constant in the main term of the estimate. Moreover, the role of edge terms is elucidated, and the analysis also applies to other types of a posteriori error estimators for obstacle problems.