Mobile ATM for developing countries

  • Authors:
  • Amila Karunanayake;Kasun De Zoysa;Sead Muftic

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka;University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka;Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Venue:
  • Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Mobility in the evolving internet architecture
  • Year:
  • 2008

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



Society benefits from M-Commerce applications to a greater extent. The most attractive benefit of M-Commerce applications is the mobility. Even though users have a poor computer literacy, they will be able to use the M-Commerce applications easily. Additionally, the M-Commerce applications have the potential of reducing the distance barriers. In developing countries, especially in rural areas, accessing financial and banking services is a critical issue. This paper proposes a system called Mobile-ATM to address this problem by incorporating the mobile technology. Also it discusses the limitations of traditional ATM systems, the need of a new M-Commerce application to overcome the limitations and security related issues. In the proposed solution, people can withdraw money from a Mobile-ATM without going to a traditional ATM. The Mobile-ATM system uses even cheap mobile phones, functioning as payment terminals. It will reduce the limitations of traditional ATM and enables confidential and secured ATM transactions.