On some forests determined by their Laplacian or signless Laplacian spectrum

  • Authors:
  • Slobodan K. Simić;Zoran Stanić

  • Affiliations:
  • Mathematical Institute SANU, Knez Mihajlova 36, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia;Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

  • Venue:
  • Computers & Mathematics with Applications
  • Year:
  • 2009

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.09



We consider the class of graphs whose each component is either a proper subgraph of some Smith graphs, or belongs to a precized subset of Smith graphs. We classify the graphs from the considered class into those which are determined, or not determined, by Laplacian, or signless Laplacian spectrum.