Annotated Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasonings in Artificial Intelligence II

  • Authors:
  • Kazumi Nakamatsu;Atsuyuki Suzuki

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Hyogo, HIMEJI 670-0092 JAPAN,;Shizuoka University, HAMAMATSU 432-8011 JAPAN,

  • Venue:
  • Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Advances in Logic Based Intelligent Systems: Selected Papers of LAPTEC 2005
  • Year:
  • 2005

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In this paper, we introduce the annotated semantics for Reiter's default theory. We propose a syntactical translation from the Reiter's default theory into ALPSN(Annotated Logic Program with Strong Negation), and show that the translation preserves their provability and satisfiability, that is to say, if a formula in the default theory is provable then the translated a-clause is also provable in the corresponding ALPSN. We clarify this relation by showing that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the default extension classes of the original default theory and the stable classes of the translated ALPSN.