Using genetic programming to develop inferential estimation algorithms

  • Authors:
  • Ben McKay;Mark Willis;Gary Montague;Geoffrey Barton

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Sydney, NSW, Australia;University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK;University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK;University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • Venue:
  • GECCO '96 Proceedings of the 1st annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
  • Year:
  • 1996

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Genetic Programming (GP) is used to develop inferential estimation algorithms for two industrial chemical processes. Within this context, dynamic modelling procedures (as opposed to static or steady-state modelling) are often required if accurate inferential models are to be developed. Thus, a simple procedure is suggested so that the GP technique may be used for the development of dynamic process models. Using measurements from a vacuum distillation column and an industrial plasticating extrusion process, it is then demonstrated how the GP methodology can be used to develop reliable 'cost' effective process models. A statistical analysis procedure is used to aid in the assessment of GP algorithm settings and to guide in the selection of the final model structure.