Study on Concurrent Measurements of Velocity and Density Distributions for High-Speed CO2 Flow

  • Authors:
  • Y. -J. Kim;K. Okamoto;H. S. Ko

  • Affiliations:
  • Department of Mechanical Design, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 ChunChun-Dong, JangAn-Gu, Suwon, KyungGi-Do 440-746, Korea;Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies, School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwano-ha, Kashiwa, 277-8563, Japan;School of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, 300 ChunChun-Dong, JangAn-Gu, Suwon, KyungGi-Do 440-746, Korea. E-mail:

  • Venue:
  • Journal of Visualization
  • Year:
  • 2009

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Velocity and density distributions of a high-speed and initial CO$_{2}$ jet flow have been analyzed concurrently by a developed three-dimensional digital speckle tomography and a particle image velocimetry (PIV). Two high-speed cameras have been used for the tomography and one for the PIV since a shape of a nozzle for the jet flow is bilaterally symmetric and the starting flow is fast and unsteady. The speckle movements between no flow and CO$_{2}$ jet flow have been obtained by a cross-correlation tracking method so that those distances can be transferred to deflection angles of laser rays for density gradients. The three-dimensional density fields for the high-speed CO$_{2}$ jet flow have been reconstructed from the deflection angles by the real-time tomography method, and the two-dimensional velocity fields have been calculated by the PIV method concurrently and instantaneously.