The Local $L^2$ Projected $C^0$ Finite Element Method for Maxwell Problem

  • Authors:
  • Huo-Yuan Duan;Feng Jia;Ping Lin;Roger C. E. Tan

  • Affiliations:
  • and and and;-;-;-

  • Venue:
  • SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
  • Year:
  • 2009

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An element-local $L^2$-projected $C^0$ finite element method is presented to approximate the nonsmooth solution being not in $H^1$ of the Maxwell problem on a nonconvex Lipschitz polyhedron with reentrant corners and edges. The key idea lies in that element-local $L^2$ projectors are applied to both curl and div operators. The $C^0$ linear finite element (enriched with certain higher degree bubble functions) is employed to approximate the nonsmooth solution. The coercivity in $L^2$ norm is established uniform in the mesh-size, and the condition number ${\cal O}(h^{-2})$ of the resulting linear system is proven. For the solution and its curl in $H^r$ with $r