Constant-sign periodic and almost periodic solutions of a system of difference equations

  • Authors:
  • R. P. Agarwal;D. O'Regan;Patricia J. Y. Wong

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-;-

  • Venue:
  • Computers & Mathematics with Applications
  • Year:
  • 2005

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.09



We consider the following system of difference equations, u"i(k)=@?l@?Ig"i(k,l)f(l,u"1(l),u"2(l),...,u"n(l)),k@?I,1@?i@?n, where I is a subset of @?. Our aim is to establish criteria such that the above system has a constantsign periodic and almost periodic solution (u"1, u"2, ..., u"n). The above problem is also extended to that on @?, u"i(k)=@?l@?@?g"i(k,l)f"i(l,u"1(l),u"2(l),...,u"n(l)),k@?@?,1@?i@?n.