Expanding the realm of systematic proof theory

  • Authors:
  • Agata Ciabattoni;Lutz Straßburger;Kazushige Terui

  • Affiliations:
  • Technische Universtät Wien, Austria;INRIA, Saclay-Île-de-France, France;RIMS, Kyoto University, Japan

  • Venue:
  • CSL'09/EACSL'09 Proceedings of the 23rd CSL international conference and 18th EACSL Annual conference on Computer science logic
  • Year:
  • 2009

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This paper is part of a general project of developing a systematic and algebraic proof theory for nonclassical logics. Generalizing our previous work on intuitionistic-substructural axioms and single-conclusion (hyper)sequent calculi, we define a hierarchy on Hilbert axioms in the language of classical linear logic without exponentials. We then give a systematic procedure to transform axioms up to the level P′3 of the hierarchy into inference rules in multiple-conclusion (hyper) sequent calculi, which enjoy cut-elimination under a certain condition. This allows a systematic treatment of logics which could not be dealt with in the previous approach. Our method also works as a heuristic principle for finding appropriate rules for axioms located at levels higher than P′3. The case study of Abelian and Łukasiewicz logic is outlined.