Proficiency and attitudes toward information technologies' use in psychology undergraduates

  • Authors:
  • Ana Cázares

  • Affiliations:
  • Pedagogic National University, Campus Ajusco, Mexico

  • Venue:
  • Computers in Human Behavior
  • Year:
  • 2010

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



In this study we had two aims: first, to evaluate the self-reported proficient use of data analysis and information technologies in psychology undergraduates. Second, to investigate the relationship between their proficiency level and attitude toward the technology's use for academic, social and personal activities. Two hundred students were asked to answer two short Likert scales which shown a high internal consistency (proficiency @a=0.93; attitudes @a=0.88) and a coherent factorial structure. They also were required to answer a semantic differential scale (@a=86) of whose bipolar adjectives evaluated the technologies' use in their learning-teaching process. A regression analysis showed that an efficient e-information searching and e-downloading strategies as well as considering the active vs passive use of the technology can together predict (R^2=.754) the usage of complex technology and abilities.