On extensions of hyperplanes of dual polar spaces

  • Authors:
  • Bart De Bruyn

  • Affiliations:
  • Ghent University, Department of Mathematics, Krijgslaan 281 (S22), B-9000 Gent, Belgium

  • Venue:
  • Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A
  • Year:
  • 2011

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Let @D be a thick dual polar space and F a convex subspace of diameter at least 2 of @D. Every hyperplane G of the subgeometry F@? of @D induced on F will give rise to a hyperplane H of @D, the so-called extension of G. We show that F and G are in some sense uniquely determined by H. We also consider the following problem: if e is a full projective embedding of @D and if e"F is the full embedding of F@? induced by e, does the fact that G arises from the embedding e"F imply that H arises from the embedding e? We will study this problem in the cases that e is an absolutely universal embedding, a minimal full polarized embedding or a Grassmann embedding of a symplectic dual polar space. Our study will allow us to prove that if e is absolutely universal, then also e"F is absolutely universal.