Welcome to the ISA club! Strategies for recruiting and retaining women in ISA

  • Authors:
  • Amy B. Woszczynski;Sherri Shade

  • Affiliations:
  • Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA;Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA

  • Venue:
  • 2009 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference
  • Year:
  • 2009

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Women in ISA face similar challenges as their counterparts in the more general fields of IT and criminal justice. Women tend to choose ISA less often than their male counterparts and tend to drop out sooner. ISA educators can increase recruiting potential and assist in retaining women by using a variety of strategies. Educators should diversify the curriculum and show interdisciplinary links between ISA and other fields. They should use real-world examples to show the practical use of ISA. Professors should integrate gender-inclusive and gender-equitable techniques into the classroom. Educators should revisit ISA curriculum, and remove or revise gatekeeper courses where possible. Finally, they should implement formal mentoring policies to give women a sense of community in ISA. While these strategies alone will not increase the number of women who select ISA as a major, they are a valuable first step towards leveling the playing field and welcoming women to the male-dominated ISA club.