A Mimetic Discretization of the Stokes Problem with Selected Edge Bubbles

  • Authors:
  • L. Beirão da Veiga;K. Lipnikov

  • Affiliations:
  • lourenco.beirao@unimi.it;lipnikov@lanl.gov

  • Venue:
  • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
  • Year:
  • 2010

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A new mimetic finite difference method for the Stokes problem is proposed and analyzed. The mimetic discretization methodology can be understood as a generalization of the finite element method to meshes with general polygons/polyhedrons. In this paper, the mimetic generalization of the unstable $P_1-P_0$ (and the “conditionally stable” $Q1-P0$) finite element is shown to be fully stable when applied to a large range of polygonal meshes. Moreover, we show how to stabilize the remaining cases by adding a small number of bubble functions to selected mesh edges. A simple strategy for selecting such edges is proposed and verified with numerical experiments.