Can self-organisation emerge through dynamic neural fields computation?

  • Authors:
  • Lucian Alecu;Herve Frezza-Buet;Frederic Alexandre

  • Affiliations:
  • IMS, SUPELEC, Metz, France,CORTEX, LORIA - INRIA Nancy, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France;IMS, SUPELEC, Metz, France,UMI 2958 GeorgiaTech-CNRS, France;CORTEX, LORIA - INRIA Nancy, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

  • Venue:
  • Connection Science
  • Year:
  • 2011

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



In this paper, dynamic neural fields (DNFs) are used to develop key features of a cortically-inspired computational module. Under the perspective of designing computational systems that can exhibit the flexibility and genericity of the cortical substrate, using neural field as the competition layer for self-organising modules has to be considered. However, despite the fact that they serve as a biologically-inspired model, applying DNFs to drive self-organisation is not straightforward. In order to address that issue, an original method for evaluating neural field equations is proposed, based on statistical measurements of the field behaviour in some scenarios. Limitations of classical neural field equations are then quantified, and an original field equation is proposed to overcome these difficulties. The performance of the proposed field model is discussed in comparison with some previously considered models, leading to the promotion of the proposed model as a suitable mean for processing competition in cortex-like computation for cognitive systems.