Original Articles: 3D Metric-based anisotropic mesh adaptation for vortex capture

  • Authors:
  • íric Joubarne;François Guibault

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-

  • Venue:
  • Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
  • Year:
  • 2011

Quantified Score

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Abstract: A mesh adaptation procedure is presented to capture a tip vortex in a CFD calculation. The objective is to reduce the numerical diffusion by refining the mesh in the vortex core and coarsen it away from its center. The error estimator of the adaptation scheme is based on the Hessian of a scalar field. The sum of the original vorticity and a transported vorticity is used to calculate the Hessian. The transported vorticity is calculated as a separate equation, which has no influence on the flow computation. To assess the quality of the process, a laminar test case is studied.