A review on vision techniques applied to Human Behaviour Analysis for Ambient-Assisted Living

  • Authors:
  • Alexandros André Chaaraoui;Pau Climent-Pérez;Francisco Flórez-Revuelta

  • Affiliations:
  • Department of Computing Technology, University of Alicante, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain;Department of Computing Technology, University of Alicante, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain;Department of Computing Technology, University of Alicante, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain

  • Venue:
  • Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
  • Year:
  • 2012

Quantified Score

Hi-index 12.05



Human Behaviour Analysis (HBA) is more and more being of interest for computer vision and artificial intelligence researchers. Its main application areas, like Video Surveillance and Ambient-Assisted Living (AAL), have been in great demand in recent years. This paper provides a review on HBA for AAL and ageing in place purposes focusing specially on vision techniques. First, a clearly defined taxonomy is presented in order to classify the reviewed works, which are consequently presented following a bottom-up abstraction and complexity order. At the motion level, pose and gaze estimation as well as basic human movement recognition are covered. Next, the mainly used action and activity recognition approaches are presented with examples of recent research works. Increasing the degree of semantics and the time interval involved in the HBA, finally the behaviour level is reached. Furthermore, useful tools and datasets are analysed in order to provide help for initiating projects.