Technical communique: On decentralized stabilization and structure of linear large scale systems

  • Authors:
  • Mesut E. Sezer;Dragoslav D. iljak

  • Affiliations:
  • School of Engineering, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA 95053, U.S.A.;School of Engineering, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA 95053, U.S.A.

  • Venue:
  • Automatica (Journal of IFAC)
  • Year:
  • 1981

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Hi-index 22.15



Connective stabilizability of large-scale systems, which are composed of interconnected subsystems, is considered using decentralized feedback. Both analytical and graph-theoretic conditions are derived directly in terms of the interconnection structure, which ensure that stability of the overall closed-loop system is invariant under the structural perturbations caused by disconnections and reconnections of links among the subsystems. The conditions characterize a large class of decentrally stabilizable systems, which includes all classes of connectively stabilizable interconnected systems considered so far.