Phishing: Getting caught in the phishing net

  • Authors:
  • Steven M Furnell

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Plymouth, UK

  • Venue:
  • Network Security
  • Year:
  • 2004

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



Along with spam, and the continuing threats from malware, the problem of phishing has risen to become one of the most significant Internet abuse issues of recent times. For those not acquainted with the term, phishing refers to a technique used by scammers to fool unsuspecting users into divulging sensitive personal information (e.g. bank account or credit card details) in response to a request that masquerades as coming from a legitimate and trusted source. A common implementation of the approach begins with a bogus email message, which then leads the user to a similarly bogus website, specially constructed by the scammer to collect the desired information while mimicking the appearance of a legitimate site. The technique provides an effective mechanism for fraudsters, which includes the involvement of organised crime.^1