Nitsche-mortaring for singularly perturbed convection---diffusion problems

  • Authors:
  • Torsten Linβ;Hans-Görg Roos;Martin Schopf

  • Affiliations:
  • Institut für Numerische Mathematik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany 01062;Institut für Numerische Mathematik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany 01062;Institut für Numerische Mathematik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany 01062

  • Venue:
  • Advances in Computational Mathematics
  • Year:
  • 2012

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In the present paper we analyse a finite element method for a singularly perturbed convection---diffusion problem with exponential boundary layers. Using a mortaring technique we combine an anisotropic triangulation of the layer region (into rectangles) with a shape regular one of the remainder of the domain. This results in a possibly non-matching (and hybrid), but layer adapted mesh of Shishkin type. We study the error of the method allowing different asymptotic behaviour of the triangulations and prove uniform convergence and a supercloseness property of the method. Numerical results supporting our analysis are presented.