On projecting processes into session types

  • Authors:
  • Luca Padovani

  • Affiliations:
  • Dipartimento di informatica, università degli studi di torino, italy email: padovani@di.unito.it

  • Venue:
  • Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
  • Year:
  • 2012

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Hi-index 0.00



We define session types as projections of the behaviour of processes with respect to the operations processes perform on channels. This calls for a parallel composition operator over session types denoting the simultaneous access to a channel by two or more processes. The proposed approach allows us to define a semantically grounded theory of session types that does not require the linear usage of channels. However, type preservation and progress can only be guaranteed for processes that never receive channels they already own. A number of examples show that the resulting framework validates existing session-type theories and unifies them to some extent.