Stability analysis of discrete-time Lur'e systems

  • Authors:
  • Carlos A. C. Gonzaga;Marc Jungers;Jamal Daafouz

  • Affiliations:
  • Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039, 2 avenue de la forêt de Haye, Vanduvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, 54516, France and CNRS, CRAN, UMR 7039, France;Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039, 2 avenue de la forêt de Haye, Vanduvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, 54516, France and CNRS, CRAN, UMR 7039, France;Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039, 2 avenue de la forêt de Haye, Vanduvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, 54516, France and CNRS, CRAN, UMR 7039, France and Institut Universitaire de France, ...

  • Venue:
  • Automatica (Journal of IFAC)
  • Year:
  • 2012

Quantified Score

Hi-index 22.14



A class of Lyapunov functions is proposed for discrete-time linear systems interconnected with a cone bounded nonlinearity. Using these functions, we propose sufficient conditions for the global stability analysis, in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMI), only taking the bounded sector condition into account. Unlike frameworks based on the Lur'e-type function, the additional assumptions about the derivative or discrete variation of the nonlinearity are not necessary. Hence, a wider range of cone bounded nonlinearities can be covered. We also show that there is a link between global stability LMI conditions based on this new Lyapunov function and a transfer function of an auxiliary system being strictly positive real. In addition, the novel function is considered in the local stability analysis problem of discrete-time Lur'e systems subject to a saturating feedback. A convex optimization problem based on sufficient LMI conditions is formulated to maximize an estimate of the basin of attraction. Another specificity of this new Lyapunov function is the fact that the estimate is composed of disconnected sets. Numerical examples reveal the effectiveness of this new Lyapunov function in providing a less conservative estimate with respect to the quadratic function.