Vitrall: web-based distributed visualization system for creation of collaborative working environments

  • Authors:
  • Piotr Śniegowski;Marek Błażewicz;Grzegorz Grzelachowski;Tomasz Kuczyński;Krzysztof Kurowski;Bogdan Ludwiczak

  • Affiliations:
  • Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland;Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland;Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland;Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland;Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland;Poznan Supercomputer and Networking Center, Poznań, Poland

  • Venue:
  • PPAM'11 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics - Volume Part I
  • Year:
  • 2011

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



Advanced parallel computing solutions using GPU for general purpose processing are becoming more and more popular. Applications like CFD or weather modeling take an extensive speed up using GPU-based clusters. Still, original purpose of graphic processing units --- visualization, is not exploited as much as it could be in such powerful processing centres. Main reason of that situation is their fundamental difference from classic desktop configurations: being a structure remote and hidden from the actual viewer. Already existing GPU-based architectures consisting of many processing units may be used for visualization of complex issues from many points of view and in resolutions that are not accessible for single GPUs in real-time. Visualization is a very efficient way of collaboration, especially when collaborators can interact with presented content in a natural way, for example using multi-touch devices. Vitrall embraces these methods by introducing possibility of linkage between modern interfaces and complex visualizations. This paper will begin with summary of several researches that where conducted to establish actual concept of the Vitrall system. Next, proposed architecture of Vitrall will be introduced, following main and secondary usage scenarios. Finally, some of Vitrall's specific configurations will be shown, like real-time stereoscopic visualization.