Polarities in logic and semantics

  • Authors:
  • Arno Bastenhof

  • Affiliations:
  • Utrecht University, The Netherlands

  • Venue:
  • AC'11 Proceedings of the 18th Amsterdam colloquim conference on Logic, Language and Meaning
  • Year:
  • 2011

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We ask to what extent a satisfactory categorial analysis of non-local scope construal can already be realized while restricting to a non-commutative, non-associative setting, and without relaxing compositionality to a relation. In response, we show a variety of data on the topic can be dealt with through an adaptation of classical non-associative Lambek calculus (CNL , [3]) that incorporates Girard's concept of polarity ([5]). The latter notion originated in the constructivization of classical logic, recognizable by computer scientists as the definition of continuation-passing style (CPS) translations.