Algorithms and Computations in BL-Algebras

  • Authors:
  • Celestin Lele

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Dschang, Cameroon

  • Venue:
  • International Journal of Artificial Life Research
  • Year:
  • 2010

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In this paper, the authors study the notion of n-fold implicative and fuzzy n-fold implicative filters, which correspond to various sets of provable formulaes, in BL-algebras. Several characterizations of fuzzy n-fold implicative filters are given and the authors analyse some relationships with various n-fold and fuzzy n-fold filters in BL-algebras, while constructing some algorithms for studying the foldness of filters in BL-algebras. The authors describe the relation between fuzzy n-fold implicative filters and fuzzy (n+1)-fold implicative filters and establish the extension property for fuzzy n-fold implicative filters in BL-algebras.