A computerized decision support system to predict the variations in the cerebral blood flow of mechanically ventilated infants

  • Authors:
  • Fleur T. Tehrani

  • Affiliations:
  • -

  • Venue:
  • Computers in Biology and Medicine
  • Year:
  • 2013

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A computerized decision support system is described to predict the changes in the cerebral blood flow (CBF) of mechanically ventilated infants in response to different ventilatory settings. A CBF controller was developed and combined with a mathematical model of the infant's respiratory system to simulate the effects of ventilatory settings on the infant's CBF. The performance of the system was examined under various ventilatory treatments and the results were compared with available experimental data. The comparisons showed good agreement between the simulation results and experimental data for preterm infants. These included the results obtained under conditions of hypoventilation, hyperventilation, hypoxia, and hyperoxia. The presented decision support system has the potential to be used as an aide to the intensivist in choosing appropriate ventilation treatments for infants to prevent the untoward consequences of hazardous changes in CBF in mechanically ventilated infants such as hypoxic-ischemic brain injuries.