Viscosity Solutions and Viscosity Subderivatives in Smooth Banach Spaces with Applications to Metric Regularity

  • Authors:
  • Jonathan M. Borwein;Qiji J. Zhu

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-

  • Venue:
  • SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
  • Year:
  • 1996

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In Gâteaux or bornologically differentiable spaces there are two natural generalizations of the concept of a Fréchet subderivative. In this paper we study the viscosity subderivative (which is the more robust of the two) and establish refined fuzzy sum rules for it in a smooth Banach space. These rules are applied to obtain comparison results for viscosity solutions of Hamilton--Jacobi equations in smooth spaces. A unified treatment of metric regularity in smooth spaces completes the paper. This illustrates the flexibility of viscosity subderivatives as a tool for analysis.