Mixed finite element methods for a class of nonlinear reaction diffusion problems

  • Authors:
  • Luis Ferragut;Isabel Asensio

  • Affiliations:
  • Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Salamanca, pza Merced s.n. 37008-Salamanca, Spain;Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Salamanca, pza Merced s.n. 37008-Salamanca, Spain

  • Venue:
  • Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations
  • Year:
  • 2002

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A mixed finite element approximation is presented for a class of non-linear reaction diffusion problems with a wide applicability. Some results about the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions are resumed. Semidiscrete error estimates are established assuming only Lipschitz regularity of the reactive term and nondecreasing of the diffusive term and demostrated with a new technique. The proofs of this error estimates are described in detail, first in the dual norm, and then in the L2-norm. As an application, a model for numerically simulating wildland fires is presented.