Women in AI

  • Authors:
  • Dale Strok

  • Affiliations:
  • -

  • Venue:
  • IEEE Expert: Intelligent Systems and Their Applications
  • Year:
  • 1992

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



Comments obtained from interviewing dozens of women working in the artificial intelligence (AI) field are presented. The scientists discuss unbalanced percentages between genders in the AI field, experiences with stereotyping, dual-career issues, parenting, social interaction and invisibility at work, competition, and the glass ceiling of promotions. Recommendations for overcoming these obstacles are presented. In addition, the work of several of the scientists interviewed is highlighted. These scientists are: Anita Borg, Janice Glasgow, Janet Kolodner, Lori Pratt, Luqi, Devika Subramanian, Jill Crisman, Beverly Woolf, Yumi Iwasaki, Eva Hudlicka, Ritu Chadha, and Susan Lander.