Interstacks end-user "scripting" for hardware

  • Authors:
  • Peter Lucas

  • Affiliations:
  • MAYA Design Group, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

  • Venue:
  • CHI '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  • Year:
  • 1999

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



More and more consumer and commercial products contain at least one microprocessor. While efforts to develop "device bus" standards to integrate the automation of these devices have increased the potential for large-scale interoperability, this potential will remain largely unfulfilled for some time. Interstacks is a modular hardware system that empowers even non-technical users to integrate bits of specialized hardware in order to automate and control the flow of information among electronic products. It reinterprets the notions of component architecture and end-user scripting in the domain of hardware devices.