GA Based on the UV-Structure Hypothesis and Its Application to JSP

  • Authors:
  • Kokolo Ikeda;Shigenobu Kobayashi

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-

  • Venue:
  • PPSN VI Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature
  • Year:
  • 2000

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Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are effective approximation algorithms which focus on "hopeful area" in searching process. However, in harder problems, it is often very difficult to maintain a favorable trade-off between exploitation and exploration. All individuals leave the big-valley including the global optimum, and concentrate on another big-valley including a local optimum often. In this paper, we define such a situation on conventional GAs as the " UV-phenomenon", and suggest UV-structures as hard landscape structures that will cause the UV-phenomenon. We propose Innately Split Model (ISM) as a new GA model which can avoid the UV-phenomenon. We apply ISM to Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP), which is considered as one of globally multimodal and UV-structural problems. It is shown that ISM surpasses all famous approximation algorithms applied to JSP.