The linearized Boltzmann equation: concise and accurate solutions to basic flow problems

  • Authors:
  • C. E. Siewert

  • Affiliations:
  • Mathematics Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

  • Venue:
  • Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP)
  • Year:
  • 2003

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.02



A polynomial expansion procedure and an analytical discrete-ordinates method are used to solve a collection of basic flow problems based on a rigorous version of the linearized Boltzmann equation for rigid-sphere interactions. In particular, two half-space problems, Kramers and thermal creep, and three problems defined by flow in a plane-parallel channel, Poiseuille, thermalcreep and Couette flow, are solved (essentially) analytically in terms of a modern version of the discrete-ordinates method. The developed algorithms are implemented for general values of the accommodation coefficient to yield numerical results that can be considered a new standard of reference.