Electronic rulemaking: a public participation research agenda for the social sciences

  • Authors:
  • Stuart W. Shulman;David Schlosberg;Steve Zavestoski;David Courard-Hauri

  • Affiliations:
  • Drake University;Northern Arizona University;University of San Francisco;Drake University

  • Venue:
  • Social Science Computer Review
  • Year:
  • 2003

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



This article proposes a social science research agenda that will reflect on and inform the development of new information technology-based approaches to the electronic collection, distribution, synthesis. and analysis of public commentary in the regulatory rulemaking process. It identifies one critical area of an ongoing governance transformation: the use of web-based programs to collect public commentary on proposed agency rules. In the tradition of reflexive modernization, this article calls for deeper social science reflection during the development of a technological design in order to tap its democratic potential.