A community based professional development program in data processing

  • Authors:
  • Robert J. Benson;Robert A. Rouse

  • Affiliations:
  • Center for the Study of Data Processing, Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri;Center for the Study of Data Processing, Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri

  • Venue:
  • SIGCSE '79 Proceedings of the tenth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education
  • Year:
  • 1979

Quantified Score

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A joint University-Business Professional Development Program is providing data processing training and education to the Saint Louis metropolitan area. While housed in the University, the Program's content is directed by a steering committee of data processing professionals representing supporting corporations; this committee identifies faculty and evaluates the outcome of each activity. The Program strives to combine state-of-the-art data processing with conceptual developments to increase the effectiveness of programmers, analysts and managers. An important derivative has been the assimilation of ideas and practices into the undergraduate and graduate curricula of the University.