Computing Types During Program Specialization

  • Authors:
  • Daniel Weise;Erik Ruf

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-

  • Venue:
  • Computing Types During Program Specialization
  • Year:
  • 1990

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We have developed techniques for obtaining and using type information during program specialization (partial evaluation). Computed along with every residual expression and every specialized program is type information that bounds the possible values that the specialized program will compute at run time. The three keystones of this research are symbolic values that represent both a value and the code for creating the value, generalization of symbolic values, and the use of online fixed-point iterations for computing the type of values returned by specialized recursive functions. The specializer exploits type information to increase the efficiency of specialized functions. This research has two benefits, one anticipated and one unanticipated. The anticipated benefit is that programs that are to be specialized can now be written in a more natural style without losing accuracy during specialization. The unanticipated benefit is the creation of what we term concrete abstract interpretation. This is a method of performing abstract interpretation with concrete values where possible. The specializer abstracts values as needed, instead of requiring that all values be abstracted prior to abstract interpretation.