An improvement of GAP normalizer function for permutation groups

  • Authors:
  • Izumi Miyamoto

  • Affiliations:
  • University of Yamanashi, Japan

  • Venue:
  • Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation
  • Year:
  • 2006

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In GAP system it takes unreasonably long time to compute the normalizers of some permutation groups, even though they are of small degree. The author gave an algorithm in [7, 8] to compute the normalizers of permutation groups and particularly it worked smoothly for transitive groups of degree up to 22. In 1999 GAP version 4 was released. Since then the GAP system has been improved and in 2004 GAP4r4 had a special function to compute the normalizers in the symmetric groups but it still has difficulties in computing the normalizers of some permutation groups. It has been also found that the author's algorithm in [7, 8] has difficulties in some groups of small degree but larger than 22. So the author will give two new programs improving the computation of normalizers of transitive permutation groups in the symmetric groups. One of them works comparatively smoothly for the transitive groups of degree up to 30.