The impact of the brand in the success of a mobile game: comparative analysis of three mobile J2ME racing games

  • Authors:
  • Björn Stenbacka

  • Affiliations:
  • Helsinki School of Economics (HSE), Finland

  • Venue:
  • Computers in Entertainment (CIE) - Theoretical and Practical Computer Applications in Entertainment
  • Year:
  • 2008

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



A short value chain, strong brand, strong game concept, broad porting, strong language support (EFIGS, i.e., English, French, Italian, German and Spanish), combined with short time to market and powerful global distribution machinery, are key components in building a successful mobile game and gaming business. But which of these components and factors affect success when success is defined as high revenue per download and high download volumes of the game? Or does the combination of all these factors decide the outcome? These are two central research questions in this study. We specifically describe the effects of using a brand in the mobile games' value chain. The comparative analysis of three J2ME-branded racing games points to the fact that the brand has a significant impact on the value chain and the success of a game. The stronger the brand the shorter the value chain, and the higher the revenue per download and the download volume. To some extent, a strong brand compensates for a lack in game quality, and even game porting. The other way around, we find that if the brand is weak even a good-quality game and very broad porting cannot compensate for the negative impact of a weak brand.