Distance spectral radius of trees with given matching number

  • Authors:
  • Aleksandar Ilić

  • Affiliations:
  • -

  • Venue:
  • Discrete Applied Mathematics
  • Year:
  • 2010

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.04



The distance spectral radius @r(G) of a graph G is the largest eigenvalue of the distance matrix D(G). Recently, many researches proposed the use of @r(G) as a molecular structure descriptor of alkanes. In this paper, we introduce general transformations that decrease distance spectral radius and characterize n-vertex trees with given matching number m which minimize the distance spectral radius. The extremal tree A(n,m) is a spur, obtained from the star graph S"n"-"m"+"1 with n-m+1 vertices by attaching a pendent edge to each of certain m-1 non-central vertices of S"n"-"m"+"1. The resulting trees also minimize the spectral radius of adjacency matrix, Hosoya index, Wiener index and graph energy in the same class of trees. In conclusion, we pose a conjecture for the maximal case based on the computer search among trees on n@?24 vertices. In addition, we found the extremal tree that uniquely maximizes the distance spectral radius among n-vertex trees with perfect matching and fixed maximum degree @D.