Models for teaching healthcare informatics: a survey of healthcare informatics programs

  • Authors:
  • Bonnie K. MacKellar

  • Affiliations:
  • St. John's University Queens, NY

  • Venue:
  • Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges
  • Year:
  • 2012

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



Healthcare informatics programs are becoming increasingly popular in higher education due to the demand in healthcare settings for employees skilled in the use of information technology. When designing healthcare informatics programs, it is important to understand existing programs but this can be difficult due to the plethora of related terms for the field. In order to better understand similarities and differences among existing educational programs related to healthcare informatics, we analyzed 51 existing undergraduate programs. Questions to be answered were: Which departments house the programs? What is the computer science content of the programs? What is the healthcare-specific content of the programs? Our results indicate that undergraduate programs fall into one of two types: accredited health information management programs rooted in management of medical records, and health/medical informatics programs related more closely to computer science. The two types of programs are discussed in terms of curriculum and accreditations as well as implications for CS/IT departments that wish to develop offerings in this area.