AMMETH: a methodology for requirements analysis of advancedhuman-system interfaces

  • Authors:
  • G. Guida;G. Lamperti

  • Affiliations:
  • Dipt. Electron. per l'Autom., Brescia Univ.;-

  • Venue:
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans
  • Year:
  • 2000

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Hi-index 0.00



This paper addresses the important issue of identifying the requirements for advanced human-system interface (HSI) in the context of a disciplined requirements engineering process. This is essential if we are to have effective, well-designed HSIs as part of large software development projects. A complete methodology, called AMMETH (a mixed methodology), that can substantially help carry out the requirements analysis of HSIs in a disciplined and effective way, is proposed. The methodology integrates several proven analysis techniques within a structured framework, where they can be exploited effectively, on their own, and orchestrated as a whole. It includes seven steps, namely: 1) analyzing the context, 2) stating interaction goals, 3) eliciting user needs and expectations, 4) identifying and rating interaction features, 5) defining interaction patterns, 6) collecting usability feedback, and 7) defining requirements. The methodology has been applied successfully to the design of a real advanced HSI toward a complex process supervision and diagnostic system of an electric power plant