Stability of solutions of Volterra integrodifferential equations

  • Authors:
  • V. S. Sergeev

  • Affiliations:
  • Department of Mechanics, Dorodnicyn Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilova 40, 119991 Moscow, Russia

  • Venue:
  • Mathematical and Computer Modelling: An International Journal
  • Year:
  • 2007

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.98



Systems with past memory (or after-effect), the state of which is given by nonlinear Volterra- type integrodifferential equations with small perturbations, are investigated. The equations depend on functionals in integral form and, in particular, on analytic functionals represented by Frechet series. The integral kernels can allow for singularities with Abel's kernel. The stability under persistent disturbances, and the structure of the general solution, are investigated in the neighborhood of zero for an equation with holomorphic nonlinearity assuming asymptotic stability of the trivial solution of the linearized unperturbed equation. Stability in the critical cases (in Lyapunov's sense) of a single zero root and of pairs of pure imaginary roots for the unperturbed equation is analyzed.