Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round XTEA and TEA

  • Authors:
  • Dukjae Moon;Kyungdeok Hwang;Wonil Lee;Sangjin Lee;Jongin Lim

  • Affiliations:
  • -;-;-;-;-

  • Venue:
  • FSE '02 Revised Papers from the 9th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption
  • Year:
  • 2002

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.00



We present the impossible differential cryptanalysis of the block cipher XTEA[7] and TEA[6]. The core of the design principle of these block ciphers is an easy implementation and a simplicity. But this simplicity dose not offer a large diffusion property. Our impossible differential cryptanalysis of reduced-round versions of XTEA and TEA is based on this fact. We will show how to construct a 12-round impossible characteristic of XTEA. We can then derive 128-bit user key of the 14- round XTEA with 262.5 chosen plaintexts and 285 encryption times using the 12-round impossible characteristic. In addition, we will show how to construct a 10-round impossible characteristic of TEA. Then we can derive 128-bit user key of the 11-round TEA with 252.5 chosen plaintexts and 284 encryption times using the 10-round impossible characteristic.