A microprogramming design laboratory

  • Authors:
  • Christopher Vickery

  • Affiliations:
  • Queens College of CUNY

  • Venue:
  • SIGMINI '76 Proceedings of the ACM SIGMINI/SIGPLAN interface meeting on Programming systems in the small processor environment
  • Year:
  • 1976

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Sophisticated design aids are available to help automate microprogram development both for large, complex computers and for microprocessor-based systems. These aids include procedures for source code verification, object code generation, microprogram simulation, and interactive debugging. For various reasons, such aids are generally not well-developed for microprogrammable minicomputers. This paper describes a microprogramming laboratory developed for the Interdata 85 minicomputer which uses both the minicomputer itself as well as the time-sharing and batch facilities of a large computer center. Experience with the laboratory has shown that the facility for interacting with a microprogram is as important as the availability of complete diagnostic information. The argument is made that design automation aids for microprogramming minicomputers could be produced efficiently from standardized assembly and simulation programs.