The IT/IS job market: a longitudinal perspective

  • Authors:
  • Chuck Litecky;Bipin Prabhakar;Kirk Arnett

  • Affiliations:
  • Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, Carbondale, IL;University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH;Mississippi State University, Miss State, MS

  • Venue:
  • Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on computer personnel research: Forty four years of computer personnel research: achievements, challenges & the future
  • Year:
  • 2006

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This paper describes parallels between the IS/IT job market of the 1990's to that of the current decade using longitudinal data collected for these periods from job position ads. Although the data exhibits some measurement issues, it offers insight into the relative size of the specialized job market for IS/IT personnel at its peak in the late 90's to the relative size of the job market at its trough in the early 2000's and concludes a partial recovery now in the mid 2000's.Since the relative size of the IS/IT job market can be viewed as a driving force for much related activity in recruiting, personnel selection and collegiate education, this data may be useful for those interested in computer personnel, particularly in MIS positions. In contrast to governmental statistics gathered on broad definitions of computer personnel (c.f. [10], [4]), this research focuses on skills related to MIS personnel and some IT positions based upon specialized subsets of advertised job skills.The skills demanded in the job market have changed over the last decade. For example, although application and web development skills are still in demand, the programming languages and tools used for development have changed. At the same time, the well publicized downturn in enrolment in MIS programs means that there will be fewer graduates seeking positions in the next few years. This may very well result in a shortage of personnel with current skills.