Taxonomy of digital creatures: defining character development techniques based upon scope of use

  • Authors:
  • Tim McLaughlin

  • Affiliations:
  • Industrial Light + Magic

  • Venue:
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses
  • Year:
  • 2006

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.02



Using computer graphics to develop digital creatures from concept to realization requires a series of decisions based on how the character is expected to be seen. This course focuses on how to use a creature's scope of apearance to effectively define the best use of modeing, rigging, look development, and animation techniques.This course presents a process for dissecting reference material, a language for communicating informaion specific to digital creatures, and a method for making a relationship between preproduction development and shot production. Technical information is divorced, as much as possible, from this material. In fact, one of the primary goals of the course is that the information presented be undiminished by changes in technology.The concept art, storyboards, and animatic frames are drawn from feature film work. The projects from which examples are taken include War of the Worlds, the Star Wars films, the Harry Potter films and others. Though these examples come from the use of digital creatures in live action films, many of the processes discussed and the questions posed are relevant to the construction of digital creatures for all media.