Transformation of oscillators using Op Amps, unity gain cells and CFOA

  • Authors:
  • Ahmed M. Soliman

  • Affiliations:
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

  • Venue:
  • Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
  • Year:
  • 2010

Quantified Score

Hi-index 0.01



The realization of two integrator loop oscillators using Operational Amplifiers (Op Amps) is reviewed and a new additional circuit to provide independent control on the oscillation condition is proposed. Four new grounded capacitor oscillator circuits using unity gain cells and having independent control on the condition of oscillation and on the frequency of oscillation are introduced. The link between the Op Amp based two integrator loop oscillators and three Current Feedback Operational Amplifier (CFOA) based oscillators is detected and clearly explained. This paper serves also as a tutorial paper in introducing the subject of second order two integrator loop oscillators using state variable matrix equation and Nodal Admittance Matrix (NAM) equation.