Applications of voltage and current unity gain cells in nodal admittance matrix expansion

  • Authors:
  • Ahmed M. Soliman

  • Affiliations:
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Cairo University, Egypt

  • Venue:
  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
  • Year:
  • 2009

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The Nodal Admittance Matrix (NAM) expansion method based on nullor elements and pathological mirror elements is used to provide a systematic synthesis method of controlled sources. Two new NAM expansions for the Voltage Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS) are introduced. Four realizations of the noninverting VCVS using two resistors and three unity gain cells are given three of them are new. Four new realizations of the inverting VCVS using two resistors and three unity gain cells are given. A new NAM for the Current Controlled Current Source (CCCS) is introduced. Eight new realizations for the CCCS using two resistors and three unity gain cells are given. The realization of Voltage Controlled Current Source (VCCS) using one resistor and two unity gain cells is discussed. The realization of Current Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS) using one resistor and two unity gain cells is discussed. Applications of unity gain cells in Current Conveyor (CCII), Inverting Current Conveyor (ICCII) and Current Feedback Operational Amplifier are given. New realizations of the Tow Thomas (TT) filter using unity gain cells are given.