On Pass/Fail Dictionaries for Scan Circuits

  • Authors:
  • Irith Pomeranz

  • Affiliations:
  • -

  • Venue:
  • ATS '01 Proceedings of the 10th Asian Test Symposium
  • Year:
  • 2001

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We study for the first time the use of pass/fail fault dictionaries for fault diagnosis of circuits with scan. The special structure of the tests generated for scan circuits allows us to use pass/fail information for primary output sequences, for scan-out vectors, or for both. We present experimental results to demonstrate the numbers of fault pairs that can be distinguished by the different types of pass/fail dictionaries, and the dictionary sizes. We alsodescribe a dictionary enhancement method that allows all the fault pairs distinguishable by a full fault dictionary to be distinguished by the enhanced pass/fail dictionary. We use two setsof scan-based tests for the experiments we conduct, and we demonstrate the benefits of test sets containing tests with longer sequences of primary input vectors.