The Learning Way

  • Authors:
  • Alice Y. Kolb;David A. Kolb

  • Affiliations:
  • Case Western Reserve University, USA;Case Western Reserve University, USA

  • Venue:
  • Simulation and Gaming
  • Year:
  • 2009

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Contemporary research on meta-cognition has reintroduced conscious experience into psychological research on learning and stimulated a fresh look at classical experiential learning scholars who gave experience a central role in the learning process - William James, John Dewey, Kurt Lewin, Carl Rogers, and Paulo Freire. In particular James's contributions are foundational for experiential learning and research on meta-cognition. Research on meta-cognition and the role it plays in the learning process are described. The meta-cognitive model is used to describe how fundamental concepts of experiential learning theory - a learning self-identity, the learning spiral, learning style, and learning spaces - can guide meta-cognitive monitoring and control of learning. Meta-cognitive strategies to help individuals improve their learning effectiveness are outlined. Learners can chart their path on the learning way by developing their meta-cognitive learning capacities, and educators can pave the way by placing learning about learning on the agenda of their educational programs.